Long Acting Injectable Buprenorphine (LAIB): Patient Guide
What is LAIB?
LAIB is a form of buprenorphine treatment, commonly known as Sublocade. It is the same medication but is given to people by monthly injection instead of a daily tablet or film. It works as well as BUP/NX for most people.
How much does it cost?
LAIB is covered by NS Pharmacare and many private plans. If you are uninsured and pay for it with cash, please let us know and we can ask how much it will cost each month.
How does it work?
Once you are on a stable dose of buprenorphine/naloxone (commonly known as Suboxone) over 8 mg for 7 days, you can start LAIB (commonly known as Sublocade). Injections are given just under the skin in the abdomen about 5-10 cm from the belly button.
Injections are given once a month (every 28 days) in our office by a physician or nurse.
Some people prefer LAIB because you do not have to take OAT medication daily or go to the pharmacy.
Source: Written by Dr. Mike Gniewek (2024) for his patients